May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Romans 15:5-6

The mission of the Women's Ministry at Christ Community Church is to disciple the women of the church in understanding their identity in Christ, and equip them to serve the Church through specific opportunities in the areas of teaching, mentorship, compassion, prayer, and fellowship. 

Thursday  Morning   Harmony

9:30 am  - 11:30 am
In the verses above (Romans 15:5-6), we see that Paul wanted the Romans to live in harmony with one another, such that they could glorify God with one voice.  What a beautiful picture of the unity of the body of Christ.  With that in mind, the intention of Thursday Morning Harmony is for intergenerational interaction which creates greater unity in the church. The fall semester will provide 2 options for women to choose from.  Prayerfully consider which option will be the one God would have you select. Both groups will meet together for a time of fellowship and announcements. They will then break for more focused study and time for application, accountability, and prayer.
Childcare is provided at no cost.

Bible Study Option

We desire to be women of the Word of God.  In order to do this, we must spend time getting to know its author!  Women participating in this group will be studying the book of Joshua. 

Mentor Moms Option

The goal of this group is to develop: Multi-generational relationships through One Another-ing that will strengthen each woman as they are Maturing in the faith. Women participating in this will be going through Even Better Than Eden by Nancy Guthrie.

Get  involved

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

There are so many areas within the life of the church where women are uniquely gifted to bring life and support to others.  We have identified 6 primary areas on which to focus at CCC, and we would love for you to consider getting involved.  Check out the link below to see where God is calling you!

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