Mission & Vision

Go  therefore  and  make  disciples...

The Mission

The mission of Christ Community Church:
 "For God's glory, to make and deploy mature and equipped disciples of Jesus Christ."

The Vision

A church where DISCIPLES of Jesus Christ intentionally engage in Word-Driven, Christ-Centered, and Reformed- Minded WORSHIP, COMMUNITY, and MISSION.


The following methods of ministry will be our design for making and deploying mature and equipped disciples of Christ. 

Ordinary Means of Grace

In all of our methods and philosophies, we will rely upon the ordinary means of grace so that we might grow in faith and life (Word, prayer, Sacrament, fellowship of believers). We want to cultivate in our church family an appreciation for and participation in the ministry of the Word and Sacraments (i.e. worship), Biblical fellowship, and prayer. We must recognize that these are the normal ways that God brings about growth in the Christian life. We want to encourage families to see the priority of personal worship, family worship, and corporate worship. We want to see our children and youth participating fully in the worship, discipleship, service, fellowship, and the witness of the church.

Covenantal Framework

We will work to cultivate intergenerational worship and work. Our God is a Covenantal and family-based God in regard to how He deals with His people. It is wise for us to minister in philosophical harmony with the Almighty seeking to bridge the gaps between young and old for a more effective and healthy community.

Gathered Ministry

We will be strategic in administering opportunities that encompass life-on-life ministry and growth (Christian Education, Community Groups, Bible Studies).

Scattered Ministry

We will encourage scattered and organic ministry where our people
live, work, and play.

Intentional Love & Community

We will cultivate indiscriminate love regardless of social, economic, geographical, or racial status and will strive to provide opportunities for members to “know and be known” at a level that cultivates life-on-life community and transformation.